Saturday, September 29, 2012

5 Places to Retire on Social Security Alone

It’s sometimes hard to imagine life in retirement, but picture living on Social Security alone. Assume all you earn is $2,500 a month, the maximum check a worker currently receives at full retirement age from Social Security. Where can you comfortably pay taxes, afford housing and still have some left over to actually enjoy retirement? Sounds impossible but with the help of AARP The Magazine, which recently presented its annual list of best places to live on a budget, we narrowed down five American destinations where it is possible to live on a simple Social Security paycheck.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bikini Basketball League Gearing Up For Inaugural Season

To all fans of the Lingerie Football League who are wondering about what they will watch when the season ends, you can stop worrying. The Bikini Basketball League is here.